BSR webinars
Important information
You can find resgistration links for each webinar below its description.
We kindly ask that you only register for those webinars most relevant to you. Each webinar is designed for specific audiences; attending the right one will ensure that all delegates get the most benefit from the sessions.
Please read the descriptions carefully to ensure that it’s appropriate for you before you register.
Thank you,
BSR Events Team
Building Assessment Certificates (BACs) – a practical look at the application criteria for more experienced Principal Accountable Persons (PAPs) and Accountable Persons (APs)
Wednesday 19 February 2025, 13:00 – 15:00
This practical, on-line session is designed to aid the preparation of a BAC application for a high-rise building (HRB). The session is tailored for:
- Experienced PAPs, APs and/or their representatives who may manage a portfolio of HRBs
The session will help you to:
- Better understand the BAC assessment process
- Learn what criteria the assessors will focus on for each element of the application
- Prepare a BAC application to the standard required
It will cover:
- How the application will be assessed, and who by
- What criteria will be assessed in the Safety Case Report, Residents Engagement Strategy and mandatory occurrence reporting system information
There will be time at the end of the session for you to ask your questions directly to the Building Safety Regulator.
Register for this webinar
Building Assessment Certificates (BACs) – a practical look at the application criteria for less-experienced, resident-led organisations responsible for submitting BAC applications
Thursday 20 February 2025, 17:00 – 19:00
This practical, on-line session is designed to aid the preparation a BAC application for an HRB. The session is tailored for:
- Smaller or less-experienced Principal Accountable Persons (PAPs), Accountable Persons (APs) and/or their representative management company
The session will help you to:
- Better understand the BAC assessment process
- Learn what criteria the assessors will focus on for each element of the application
- Prepare a BAC application to the standard required
It will cover:
- How the application will be assessed, and who by
- What criteria will be assessed in the Safety Case Report, Residents Engagement Strategy and mandatory occurrence reporting system information
There will be time at the end of the session for you to ask your questions directly to the Building Safety Regulator.
Register for this webinar
Large scale remediation and refurbishment building work and new build of higher-risk buildings (HRBs)
Thursday 27 February 2025, 14:00 – 16:00
This practical, on-line session is designed for commercial clients making building control applications for large scale remediation and refurbishment building work and new-build of higher-risk buildings. It is tailored for:
- Commercial clients, principal contractors and principal designers
The session will help you to:
- Better understand making building control approval applications for significant remedial or refurbishment work, or creating new HRBs
- Anticipate what you will need to demonstrate for the completion certificate application when making your building control application
- Prepare a Building Control Approval Application to the standard required
It will cover:
- Requirements when making a building control approval application
- Consideration of completion certificate application requirements when making your building control approval application
There will be time at the end of the session for you to ask your questions directly to the Building Safety Regulator.
Register for this webinar
Domestic clients - building works in HRBs for small scale residential clients
Tuesday 4 March 2025, 14:00 – 16:00
This session will focus on understanding duties around building work being carried out in individual apartments in occupied HRBs and give practical advice on how to ensure these duties are met.
The session is tailored for:
- Principal Accountable Persons (PAPs), Accountable Persons (APs) and/or their representative management company
The session will help you to:
- Understand what duties there are regarding building work in single apartments in HRBs
- Develop practical solutions to fulfil these duties
It will look to cover:
- What building work is defined as, and when a building control approval application is required to be submitted to BSR
- What duties APs and residents have with regards to building work in individual apartments
- How the resident engagement strategy can be used as a practical solution to fulfil these duties
There will be plenty of time at the end of the session for you to ask your questions directly to the Building Safety Regulator.
Register for this webinar
Regulation of the Building Control Profession – update for Building Inspectors (BIs) and Building Control Bodies (BCBs)
Tuesday 18 March 2025, 12:00 – 14:00
This practical, on-line session for Building Control Bodies (BCBs) and Building Inspectors (Bis) will provide an update from the Building Safety Regulator (BSR). It will:
- Demonstrate what action BSR has taken to date in its role as the regulator of the Building Control profession
- Provide examples and trends emerging from live experience of regulating the profession
- Help industry better understand the areas where improvements are required
- Share good practice
It will cover:
- Inspections of building control bodies - sharing key findings giving examples action taken by BSR
- Investigations – providing feedback about when criminal offences and breaches of the code of conduct have been investigated by the regulator
- Why data returns are essential to the profession
There will be time at the end of the session for you to ask your questions directly to the Building Safety Regulator.
Register for this webinar
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01772 767792 /
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